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Bob Harrison of Barstow & Sons HVAC

Bob Harrison

Charles Eaton III

Charles Eaton III

Christine Eaton

Christine Eaton

Gregory Jones of Barstow & Sons 

Gregory Jones

Ben Pumphrey

Benjamin Pumphrey

Jennifer Tate

Jennifer Tate

Jennifer Tate, Installation Coordinator, handles the scheduling of all HVAC and water heater change-outs and new construction. She is responsible for ordering the equipment, setting the install date, registering the equipment, and filling for any rebates. Jennifer has been with the company since June 2015. She previously worked for J.J. Haines, a flooring distributor, for 15 yrs before leaving the company to come to Barstow & Sons to work alongside her sister (Christine) and brother-in-law (Chuck).

Jennifer attended Anne Arundel Community College as well as Towson University to pursue studies in her passion, zoology. Jennifer is married to Aaron and she has a 17 yr old son named, Aiden. When Jennifer is is not at work, she enjoys spending time with family and taking care of her assortment of exotic pets. Jennifer is known for her happy demeanor and she believes in treating everyone with a friendly and positive attitude. Jennifer believes in a good work/home life balance and always makes time to engage with her son on a daily basis. Her motto is "We work to provide a life for ourselves but working is not her life."

Taylor Windmiller

Taylor Windmiller

Taylor Windmiller, service technician/odd job guy. Taylor works on all kinds of systems that we service. That includes oil-fired equipment, boiler systems, and in splits. He is our odd job guy because when there is something difficult to work on or out of the ordinary he is the guy we send. He never says no to giving it a try and more times than not he will figure it out and get it working. He has worked for Barstow and Sons since September of 2016. Taylor grew up modifying and repairing his own vehicles and equipment. He's been a lawnmower mechanic, worked on motorcycles and outboard motors. He spent a summer working in general maintanence.

He has studied at CAT North where he took 2 yrs worth of electrical classes and 3 yrs worth of HVAC classes. He is also a skilled USA member and has completed as well as won several competitions for brazing and electrical troubleshooting. Taylor Attended ABC School for HVAC where he tested in as a 2nd-year student and completed the 3 years course. He has graduated from the school and has taken and passed his Journeymen's license. When he is not working, Taylor enjoys fishing, crabbing, being on the water, riding four-wheelers and dirt bikes up in the mountains. Taylor's favorite quote is "good stuff isn't cheap and cheap stuff isn't good". Taylor takes pride in his work by showing good value and top-notch quality at a fair price. He loves helping people and is happy when he can improve their comfort of life.

Austin Belt, Service Technician at Barstow & Sons

Austin Belt

Austin Belt, Service Technician, handles diagnosing, repairing/replacing parts and systems. Austin started schooling at the Center of Applied Technology South while in high school to obtain Maryland labor licenses and a few other certifications before he began here at Barstow & Sons.

In Austin's spare time he enjoys riding his motorcycle, fishing, and spending time with friends and family. Austin believes you'll only get out, what you put into whatever you're doing. Austin is obsessed with obtaining great customer service skills so we can show our customers our quality and level of thoroughness.

Danny Mariner

Danny Mariner

Chris Ignaczac

Chris Ignaczak

Chris Ignaczak, equipment installer, handlers the installations of new equipment. Chris has been with Barstow for 2 years now. Chris graduated high school in 2018. Chris now attends trade school at Anne Arundel community college for HVAC-R.

In his free time, Chris enjoys spending his time with friends, being outdoors, and spending time on the Chesapeake Bay. His favorite quote is "you miss 100% of the shots you never take" Wayne Gretzky. Chris takes tremendous amounts of pride in his work and strives every day to learn something new.

Steven Atkinson

Steven Atkinson

Steven Atkinson a tech, he condemns and repairs systems.

Before Steven started working here, he was a full-time student at Broadneck High School and worked part-time at Safeway.

Once graduated he had already been certified in HVAC and welding and walked out of high school with a full-time job in the HVAC field.

In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with friends and family, as well working out, and in nice climates. He also likes to fish.

A quote he likes to follow by is "Three months from now you will be in a completely different space: mentally, spiritually, and financially." Always reminds him to keep working hard and keep pushing for the better.

Steven will always give something a chance even though he may feel easy about it he still attempts, he's always willing to learn more to show his worth, and is willing to get his hands dirty to get the job done.

Nate Ancona

Nate Ancona

Nate Ancona, the installer, assists with change-outs and new construction installs, Nate has been with the company. Nate is currently in his first year of HVAC schooling through ABC. Nate spends his free time working on and driving his project car. Nate takes pride in how his work is done and looks, he ensures things are done the proper way and the customer is satisfied with the end result.

Benjamin Marsh

Benjamin Marsh

Benjamin Marsh, junior technician, helps the crew to install, troubleshoot, repair, and maintain residential and commercial HVAC systems. Benjamin has been working with the company for 8 months and attends classes for HVAC training on a weekly basis. Prior to that he had participated in boy scouts and earned the highest rank of Eagle Scout at the age of 16, graduated from Broadneck High School in 2019, had commercial electrical experience, and is OSHA certified.

Benjamin in his free time likes to exercise, snowboard, skateboard, fish, and work on his car. He believes "If you work hard and take pride in what you do, then the quality speaks for itself." Benjamin says "I enjoy what I do at work because it gives me satisfaction being able to help other people."

Shawn Musselman

Shawn Musselman

Eric Nicholson

Eric Nicholson

Wyatt Thompson

Wyatt Thompson

Wyatt Thompson, HVAC helper, Wyatt's role with this company is to assist HVAC technicians with day-to-day tasks. Prior to working for Barstow, Wyatt worked with a separate HVAC company for a little over 2 1/2 years, Wyatt has been working with Barstow & Sons for 4 months now. Wyatt graduated from Broadneck high school in 2017 with a general studies high school diploma. In his spare time, Wyatt enjoys playing Xbox, watching TV, hanging out with friends, and most importantly, spending time with his cat Mo-Mo. Wyatt and Mo-Mo share an extra special bond due to the manner in which they met. Wyatt found Mo-Mo at one of his various job sites, Mo-Mo was stuck in a glue trap scared and alone; Wyatt knew it was his duty to help.

The quote that Wyatt likes to live by is "Life is like a camera; just focus on what is important, capture the good times, develop from negatives, if things don't work out take another shot!" Wyatt's motivation with Barstow & Son's is to gain as much valuable experience as possible in order to move forward and excel as much as possible in future career endeavors. Wyatt's work contributes to the customer experience by providing extra hands-on assistance where it is needed in order to guarantee that the customer receives the highest level of performance and the greatest degree of customer satisfaction.

Mike Flannary

Mike Flanary

Milton Snowden

Milton Snowden

Barstow and Sons

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